
I do research on urban, pluvial flooding and here I focus on how cities can be adapted to a changed climate, but also to urbanisation. We need to create more flexible stormwater systems in the future, to make sure that they are resilient and possible to change when the circumstances changes. So far, I have studied the mechanisms and characteristics of pluvial, urban flooding, and how efficient Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are to reduce flood risk. I also study how well SuDS function in cold climate, in collaboration with University of Iceland. You can follow my work on my blog. You can also take a look at my publications. I have chosen to focus on urban issues, as urbanisation and urban life are among the biggest challenges of our time.

My workplace is Lund University, division of Water Resources Engineering at Faculty of Engineering. In 2018, I finished my PhD in Water Resources Engineering here. The thesis can be downloaded for free from Lund University website.
Title: Urban, pluvial flooding – Blue-green infrastructure as a strategy for resilience
Faculty opponent: Dr Ir Marie-claire ten Veldhuis, Associate professor, Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology

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